Since 2010 ACYD has been held over 4 days in either Australia or China, bringing together 30 delegates as well as speakers to discuss the bilateral relationship. 

The absence of, and a need for, more institutionalised dialogue between Australia and China through both governmental and non-governmental organisations, as outlined in a 2009 article by Australia’s first ambassador to China, Dr. Stephen Fitzgerald, has created the foundations for organisations like the ACYD to exist and indeed thrive.

The ACYD was founded to promote more sophisticated cross-cultural understanding among Australian and Chinese youth. The ACYD seeks to enhance Sino-Australian relations by bringing together key people from both sides to forge deeper connections for the future.

Chatham House Rule

ACYD is conducted under the Chatham House Rule. That is, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the delegates, speakers or any other participant, may be revealed.  While participants are encouraged to publicise their involvement in ACYD, the ideas and opinions expressed by other participants during ACYD must only be disclosed on a ‘no-names’ basis. Participants may seek comments ‘on the record’ outside of ACYD sessions and events.

This policy encourages open discussion during the dialogue and thereby facilitates deeper engagement between delegates, speakers and other participants.