The 14th ACYD Application is now closed. The 14th ACYD delegates will be announced soon.

The dialogue will be held in Adelaide, South Australia from Friday, 22nd November to Monday, 25th November 2024. ​


The Dialogue is held over four days and seeks to discuss key issues pertinent to the Australia-China relationship. The Dialogue brings together emerging Australian and Chinese leaders from government, business, academia, media and the arts in a comprehensive and cohesive way to discuss key aspects of the relationship. Issues include political and strategic matters, economic policies, international and regional engagement, and social and cultural developments.  

To learn more about the dialogue experience, check out a past Australia-China Youth Dialogue Official Documentary below, or view testimonials from past delegates.

  • 中澳青年对话是什么?



Attend the conference as a delegate and you will be immersed in a four-day intensive dialogue of issues that are curated each year to be pertinent to the Australia-China relationship. Beyond the annual conference, when you join the ACYD you will become part of the ACYD alumni network, a global community of exceptional leaders in their respective fields of work - approximately 400 strong. Our community includes MPs, diplomats, CEOs, entrepreneurs, scientists and engineers, medical processionals, sports professionals and artists.

  • 为什么申请?



Applicants must be between the ages of 25 and 40, be Australian or Chinese citizens, and be able to articulate their reasons for wanting to attend the 14th ACYD. We encourage applicants from all sectors and industries to apply.

  • 谁应该申请?

1. 对澳中事务表现出兴趣的人,被认为是其工作领域的成功专业人士;以及
2. 那些在社会中担任要职并希望更多地了解这一关系的人。


The ACYD invites emerging leaders from Australia or China to apply. Applicants must be between the ages of 25-40 years, be Australian or Chinese citizens, and be able to articulate their reasons for wanting to attend the 14th ACYD.
Applicants must also be ready to submit the following documents in their application:
(1) Resume (including date of birth and nationality, no more than 2 pages)
(2) Letter outlining your motivation to attend (max. 300 words)
(3) Letter of endorsement (one page)

Should you encounter any difficulties in uploading the attachment, you can send the document to

  • 申请资格

ACYD 欢迎来自澳大利亚或中国的青年申请。申请人年龄必须在25-40岁之间,是澳大利亚或中国公民,并且能够阐明他们想要参加本届 ACYD 的原因。申请人还必须准备好在申请中提交以下文件:

(1) 简历(包括出生日期和国籍,不超过2页);

(2) 动机陈述信,概述您希望参加ACYD的原因(最多300字);




All programs and sessions held at The Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD) take place under Chatham House Rule. The Chatham House Rule helps create a trusted environment to understand and resolve complex problems. Its guiding spirit is to share the information you receive, but not reveal the identity of who said it. The Chatham House Rule reads as follows:

When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.

The Dialogue and all its sessions are strictly by invitation only and not open to the general public, media or external observers. 

  • Chatham House规则

澳中青年对话(ACYD)活动期间全程均按照Chatham House规则进行。Chatham House规则有助于创建一个值得信赖的环境来理解和解决复杂的问题。它的指导精神是:分享你收到的信息,但不透露是谁说的。Chatham House规则如下:当根据Chatham House规则举行会议时,参与者可以自由使用收到的信息,但不得透露发言人的身份或隶属关系,也不得透露任何其他参与者的身份。



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