Civil Society, the Rule of Law, and Closing Questions and Answers (Day 5)


Carol Danmajyid is from a rural Tibetan nomadic area in Gansu Province, China and currently reads Public Communication at the University of Technology in Sydney in Australia. She is also a former 2011 ACYD Delegate.

Growing up in a nomadic area and experiencing a Tibetan woman’s difficult life, Danmajyid observed and understood a woman’s responsibilities to be the rearing children, herding livestock, fetching water, and collecting fuel for cooking. The experience of observing the lives of illiterate women with very few opportunities for personal betterment is what drives Danmajyid to achieve her goals.

Danmajyid works with social issues such as educational disadvantage and poor social mobility, believing that in breaking down gender-based barriers that have historically dominated her home country she is helping not only women but whole communities to better their lives.

In order to futher this goal, Danmajyid organised a program to deliver clean running water to over 60 households in order to improve living conditions in the village and to reduce women’s workloads. She has also been involved with other development projects such as in-stalling solar panels in her village.

Through implementing these projects, Danmajyid has learnt that we are all responsible for achieving our potential and to let communities see that women play an vital role in society; and that confidence is essential in the pursuance of life goals. Through her actions and work within her village community, she has helped change some people’s opinions towards women where her words alone could not.


Clare Pearson is the Corporate Social Responsibility Manager of international law firm DLA Piper in Asia (Bangkok, Singapore, HK, Shanghai, Tokyo, Beijing). A UK qualified lawyer, her role involves advising clients on issues relating to corporate governance, supply chain management, environmental degradation and community/government relations. She provides a combination of legal advice and recommendations as to best practice in each field. Further responsibilities include establishing partnerships with Government charities in China, sitting on clients' ethics committees in Beijing and assisting with the international integration of DLA Piper's Asia offices.

Please Note: More speaker biographies for this day's sessions will be profiled shortly