Admin November 21, 2018 Testimonials Deshuai Wang (2018 Delegate) Admin November 21, 2018 Testimonials “It was a fantastic experience to attend ACYD2018. The sessions were both informative and entertaining. I’ve learned about the Australian political system, Australian culture (sports in particular), as well as a wide range of topics related to Australia-China cooperation from thought-provoking speakers and my peer delegates. Moreover, I’ve visited beautiful spots and tasted delicious cuisines & wines in the lovely city of Melbourne. I’m also delighted and proud to join the ACYD alumni which is a growing community composed of brilliant people from diverse background but with the same interest of building a more constructive and cooperative relationship between Australia and China in the future.参加中澳青年对话(ACYD)是一段美妙的历程。这次对话活动既倡导了深层次多维度的思维碰撞,又精心设置了许多令人充分体验澳洲美好和促进团队合作的多彩环节。几天来的思想激荡和头脑风暴,使我对澳大利亚的政治、文化,特别是在各个领域实现中澳合作的探索,有了更为深刻的理解和启发。很荣幸能加入到ACYD大家庭中,拥有不同专业背景的我们来自于五湖四海,不过我们都有着促进中澳友好合作的共同目标。我相信在不远的将来,多种行业互动与多维人际推广之下,中澳关系必将迎来新的发展篇章!” — Deshuai Wang (2018 Delegate)