Media Session


Session Coordinator: Natalie Cope

Engagement with ABC International 

As a unique activity in partnership with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) International, the international arm to Australia’s national public broadcaster, delegates will visit the ABC Centre, receive an overview on the ABC International China engagement strategy, and learn about developments in the digital and online space that is being used to drive engagement with Chinese audiences.

Delegates will receive a fast track introduction on how to create creative and engaging content that can be used to connect with audiences and tell stories in an inspiring fashion. The expectation following this session will be that each delegate will produce interesting, engaging and creative user generated content to express themselves. They could be reflections, commentary, and musings. They could be informed by your interest in and knowledge of Australia and China. You could touch on universal themes or personal experiences which inform your perspective on life and interest in dialogue. Or you could simply be spirited and celebrate. This content which could involve writing a blog, creating a video or producing an article will be developed by each delegate after ACYD (deadlines TBC), however you are expected to consider before and during the ACYD what has shaped your involvement in forging closer ties between Australia and China and what the relationship means to you.

The ABC International will shortly release a smartphone App which will provide a unique platform to share this content with audiences in Australia and China. We will provide instructions of how to download the App once details become available

For more information, please check out the ABC International website: