Henry Makeham speaks to Asialink about his experience and Australia-Asia relationship


Henry Makeham in Hong Kong from Asialink Video on Vimeo.

Henry is a Trainee Solicitor for the International Corporate Finance Group at Sidley Austin, and the founder of Australia-China Youth Dialogue. He speaks on his experiences living and working in Hong Kong, and offers insights on how Australia can make a stronger contribution towards building its relations with Asia.

Is Australia the third wheel in US-China relations?

The Australian Government appeared to have been caught unawares by the recent China-US emissions reduction announcement at APEC, suggesting – unsurprisingly – that the dynamics of US-China relations evolve without Australia. Nevertheless, there is a real, albeit still emerging three-way relationship between Australia, China, and the US, one in which Australia has much more room to direct its own role.  

For us, the stars are a kind of distant future, the most beautiful dream, a kind of hope

arts panel 2014
arts panel 2014

"We often look up at the starry night sky, counting the countless, never-ending stars, dreaming about the sky's stories... for us, the stars are a kind of distant future, the most beautiful dream, a kind of hope." -- Song Xi, Artist

In Song Xi's moving image work, Starry Sky, the Beijing artist plucks each star, one by one, from the night's sky until only darkness remains. This melancholic work was exhibited as part of the Arts & Creative Industries panel session at the 2014 Australia-China Youth Dialogue, chaired by CREATIVE ASIA's Amanda Barry over the weekend. A panel of industry experts discussed entrepreneurship in China's contemporary arts - video to come for those who missed it.


 Arts & Creative Industries panel session at the 2014 Australia-China Youth Dialogue (ACYD)

 took place in Beijing over the weekend. Panelists Nathaniel Davis (Split Works), Wang Zhaouhui (Theatre Producer) and Liang Dandan (Penghao Theatre) came together at Penghao Theatre to discuss entrepreneurship in the arts with CREATIVE ASIA's Amanda Barry. Full event coverage coming soon.

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“中澳桥梁”董瑾:时代再变 我也能活出精彩





“脑力激荡” 澳中青年对话北京启动

第五届“澳中青年对话”活动11月21日在北京启动。来自澳中两国的30名青年将在为期4天的交流活动中就能源、气候变化、全球粮食危机、澳中美关系、国防安全等两国民众共同关心的话题展开讨论。澳洲驻华大使孙芳安(Frances Adamson)21日在大使官邸设宴欢迎两国青年代表,并勉励他们通过对话增进彼此了解

Prof. Jerry Cohen of NYU Law School addresses the ACYD on the international public interest and Australia-China relations

Prof. Jerry Cohen of NYU Law School addresses the ACYD on the international public interest and Australia-China relations

Professor Cohen is the senior American expert on East Asian law in New York University School of Law. As Director of East Asian Legal Studies at Harvard Law School from 1964-1979, he helped pioneer the introduction of East Asian legal systems and perspectives into American legal curricula.

Former US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich discusses Australia-China-US relations

Former US Ambassador to Australia Jeffrey Bleich discusses Australia-China-US relations

Jeff Bleich served four years of service as U.S. Ambassador to Australia and as Special Counsel to President Obama in the White House during the first year of the Administration. His focuses on litigation and counseling, with special emphasis on privacy and data security, internal investigations, trade and cross-border disputes, and the Asia-Pacific region.

Malcolm Turnbull MP addresses the 2014 ACYD delegates

Malcolm Turnbull MP addresses the 2014 ACYD delegates

Malcolm Turnbull is a Liberal member of the House of Representatives and is currently Minister for Communications and Broadband. He was Leader of the Opposition from 16 September 2008 to 1 December 2009 and prior to that Shadow Treasurer. Elected to Federal Parliament as the Member for Wentworth in 2004, Malcolm was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister with responsibility for national water policy, and in 2007 appointed to Cabinet as the Minister for Environment and Water Resources.